Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sloooow Progress

Last few weeks we have not updated - Why - Because nothing much has happened
We go for our daily pilgrimage to the holy land. All we see are a more few bricks added on.
Guess all the 40 degree days we have been having did not help
We are really hoping that the bricking would go faster from this point.
"L" the supervisor was away on holidays
"L" got back and was also not too happy with the bricking progress.
Fingers crossed that it would get better
Kids are starting a new school this year
"DD" is real excited at the thought of making new friends (typical girl who loves to talk and meet new people)
But "DS" who is older is grouchy at the thought of leaving old friends. He loves to remain in his comfort zone (typical male - talking is like pulling a tooth out -AAAAAhhhhhhhhhh)
Keeping fingers crossed for that too

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